The link between science, technology, society and organizations, in four sentences.

The link between science, technology, society and organizations, in four sentences.

The challenges and opportunities we face in the next two decades seem to spread according to the following logic:

Science advances rapidly in the «mining» of natural phenomena; discover new properties of matter and energy that can be applied in various ways.

Technology advances in the «programming» of the phenomena of nature that science discovers. Analyzes the possibilities of scientific discoveries in terms of conversion tools, processes, products or services that meet or respond to the needs or desires of humans.

The society seeks better ways of organization and relations among its members to ensure an overall improvement in the quality of life of citizens, and sets new demands for solutions, which technology responds with new proposals for products, services and experiences.

Organizations, especially businesses aim to respond to the needs of citizens in the pursuit of improving their quality of life, and they do it through a range of products, services and experiences that provide new solutions, adding value to the various stakeholders, sustainably, social, economic and ecological.

This comes from the wonderful not-to-miss book The Nature of Technology, by Brian Arthur.

nature of technology