Ganarse la Libertad (2013)

Ganarse la Libertad (2013)

English Briefing

(text in Spanish; co-author: Roser Batlle)

Being free is not so easy. We all want to be free, but sometimes, unconsciously, we are subject to our own prejudices, to closed approaches, and to our own slavery, over which we have little control. Freedom is not free. Training is necessary – so this book has been written to train and gain freedom. It’s not an expert manual, because we aren’t experts; we don’t want to indoctrinate, because we can’t give anyone lessons in freedom. What we have done is to share the kind of personal experiences that aren’t included in any curriculum, although life often tests us on them. To do this, we stood in front of a mirror and talked about what freedom has taught us in our lives. From the first conversation we extrapolated ten keywords, which lead and formulate ten chapters. Each chapter is independent from the rest, although many cross-references appear, and we think that the end result is a coherent whole.


Spanish Briefing (texto en castellano; coautora: Roser Batlle)

Mirar, Suerte, Miedo, Ayudar, Atreverse, Referentes, Felicidad, Juego, Amor, Libertad…, ninguno de estos conceptos forma parte del currículo académico de nuestros jóvenes y, sin embargo, no desempeñarse bien en ellos pasa factura, porque constituyen asignaturas importantes de las que nos examina la vida. En torno a estas 10 palabras inspiradoras, los autores establecen un diálogo en el que intercambian experiencias y reflexiones acerca de lo que significa ganarse la libertad. Parten de la premisa de que ser libre no es tan fácil. Todos deseamos serlo, pero a veces, sin ser conscientes, estamos sometidos a nuestros propios prejuicios, a planteamientos cerrados, a nuestras propias esclavitudes, sobre las que muchas veces no tenemos suficiente control. Y es que ser libre no es gratis. Es necesario entrenarse, porque, si bien la libertad produce incertidumbre y vértigo, es el faro que ilumina y amplifica todas las demás capacidades. Vale la pena intentarlo.



ganarse portada